History of Partner4Work

Formerly Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board, Partner4Work has an 18-year history of service and success in leading the workforce development system for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. As Partner4Work, we will support greater flexibility within the current system and embark on a system of improved services to meet the needs of businesses and job seekers.

The Workforce Investment Act of 1998

The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) provided the framework for a national workforce preparation and employment system designed to simultaneously meet the needs of businesses and individual job seekers. WIA established a “one-stop” system to allow individuals to access an array of training, education, and employment services in a single location as well as provide the funding to serve vulnerable youth. This legislation also established “Workforce Investment Boards,” comprised of members of the business community, labor unions, and community-based organizations, to oversee workforce development efforts on state and local levels. 

Eighteen Years of Service

Three Rivers Workforce Investment Board was established in 1999, initially as a part of the Pittsburgh Partnership. As one of 22 workforce boards in Pennsylvania, Three Rivers WIB was charged with leading the public workforce system for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. Among other responsibilities, Three Rivers WIB provided the policy oversight for the local one-stop system; selected qualified youth employment and training programs; and provided the thought leadership to advise economic and community development efforts.

In 2012, under new leadership and with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, Three Rivers WIB assumed the fiscal agent responsibilities for Pittsburgh and Allegheny County to ensure coordinated workforce planning, enhance efficiency and maximize resources, and more strategically and effectively serve businesses, job seekers, and youth. In addition, Three Rivers WIB broadened its portfolio, infusing the public system with innovation to include nationally recognized programs such as Pittsburgh Works, Training to Work, Learn & Earn, and others.

WIOA and Onward: Partner4Work

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 reauthorized and replaced WIA and modernized the public workforce system for the nation. The legislation emphasizes employer-driven training, investing in sector strategies that make sense, and allows for flexible and individualized strategies to place job seekers into jobs. This legislation changes the landscape for workforce development across the country. Moreover, this legislation eliminates workforce investment boards.

Three Rivers WIB embraced the opportunity to explore an identity representative of the depth and breadth of our work — everything we do is to support a thriving workforce for the Pittsburgh region.

As Partner4Work, we will support greater flexibility within the current system and embark on a system of improved services to meet the needs of businesses and job seekers.